The beauty of adoption

When we pause a moment and look at, why we are running hastily in this world, we realise its for money. And that money is for just being happy and peaceful. But, a moment is enough for a little baby to give all that joy.

This contemporary world is much advanced with technology and thoughts as well. Our Indian society had stopped blaming the couples or only the female, for not being able to give birth to a child. Instead, we push them to any extent to use technology, to have their own children. We all know stories of Artificial Insemination, Invitro Fertilisation, Zygote Intra Fallopian Transfer and even Surrogacy in our neighbourhood and families which are told as furtive gossips. We all watch the ads of fertility centers in media where a couple, after getting treated in the clinic, comes with a baby out of nowhere.
Also, we are the same people complaining about crowded buses and over population. And neverthless to forget, we are the same people who go to orphanages to celebrate our birthdays and post selfies on facebook, snapchat.

The bitter reality is that we all know the irony that a number of little souls are longing for parents and a number of couples longing for parenthood, and still encourage them to go through painful medication, treatment, just to increase the population we are complaining about.

I happened to watch a tamil movie called "குற்றம் 23" ( Kutram 23), which talks about the medical industry that misuses the couples who seek treatments through artificial means for making babies. Being in a patriarchal society like India, where the honour and respect of a family is believed to be in the ova and vaginas of women, the movie was a hard hitting reality for me.
The movie had occupied my thoughts for a long time. My brain brought me the faces of innocent little babies who were thrown in orphanages. I feel they are the ultimate sufferers of this whole medical mafia. These couples seeking medical help are being the tools of this dark medical mafia.

While these thoughts ocuupied my mind, I happened to see a talk show where a number of parents and their adopted kids spoke about their bond and love. Some of their stories made me cry. I thought " Why don't the childless couples adopt such children? What is the purpose of spending lakhs and lakhs of money in fertility clinics and undergoing painful procedures, when God gifted you some beautiful little souls? They are treasures that need to be found and protected. "

Parenthood is not carrying your baby in the womb. It is the bond between the baby and parents. It is the moments of love and joy that parents and their children give each other, during the process of nurturing in life. It is just unconditional love and care.

Comment below if you agree with me and Let's join hands to tell the world "The Beauty of Adoption".

Srinidhi Hariharan.

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