Pouring rains

Pouring rains
There's only rain
In some people's stories.
The rains -
That only drench them completely.
They are drizzles sometimes,
Some days they come along with thunder and lightening,
They are wild storms on other days,
Some days they just rain in rhythms,
Providing necessary warmth for the solace with chilliness.
Their stories are locked inside,
But you can see the clouds roaring inside,
Through those eyes serving as keys,
The lock is easy to open,
The stories are deep, dark and beautiful,
Waiting for a lending ear 
To hear the rains,
To witness the wetness
That drenches them completely.
Even if not an umbrella,
Be the solace and silence
Being the silent and supportive witness,
It helps to stop the rains 
From drenching them,
Their stories change
And there you might bring sunlight too.
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