Little Things and Big Dreams

Image by: Brianna Tucker

It was what seemed like a long ago when little things met big dreams. Little things has never met big or dreams before. Big Dreams was different and refreshing for Little. Little wondered what it would be like to be big dreams. Little Things had it one day at a time. Little cherished every single day. Little was little, silly. Little Things enjoyed the little things Little got to do and accomplish. 

Big dreams, on the other hand, has never met anything little but knew and dismissed of things. But Big Dreams had an eye for Little things. Every day, Big Dreams would watch Little Things consumed in the everydayness of life and get enchanted. Big Dreams has a different way of living. Big always has big days and nothing days. After every strip of nothing days, Big Dreams has big days where life happens. Little Things knew about Big's way of living. Little was amused by Big, and Big was swooned by Little. 

Days after days, Little got carried away by the deluge that is everydayness in life. Big too, got frequent big days and fewer nothing days. Little Things had no choice, but to be entrenched in the most little things in life. Big Dreams was caught up in chasing the biggest dreams in life. 

A few years later, life became tired and decided to take a break. Everything turned upside down. Little and Large Things were given nothing days and random big days. Big and Small Dreams were given every day to live with. The change was not welcomed. Nobody knew what to do. Nothing days, big days and every day reminded Little Things and Big Dreams of each other. Memories of each other inebriated them, so much, that they longed to be Little Dreams and Big Things. 

Indeed, under the veneer, Little Things became Little Dreams and Big Dreams became Big Things. Only after this change, life resumed its job. Little Things, sorry, Little Dreams now, was given back little things to deal with and Big Things got hold of its strip of nothing days and big days. But everydayness did not make sense anymore for Little Dreams for dreams served as the right hand for Big. The strip of nothing days and big days bored Big Things, because things asked for Little out of habit. 

Little and Big and Things and Dreams got so convoluted. Days and life did not make sense. Big thought of seeking help from Little to understand Things. When they spoke, Little also asked Big about Dreams. Soon they realised, together they could resolve the confusion and make sense of life. Little helped Big understand Things and Big taught Little about Dreams. 

At last, life happened, again. Little held Things and also joined hands with Dreams. Big got Dreams and also embraced Things. They became "Little Things, Big Dreams and Little Dreams, Big Things" and they lived happily ever after. 


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